Why olive oil is a must-have in every kitchen - Blog Theme Test For blogresponce.blogspot.com

Why olive oil is a must-have in every kitchen

Even the small supermarket there's now a wide shelf with olive oil. eKitchen helps if you do not see out of sheer olives the right oil.

Olive oil is standard on any modern kitchen. Times when a simple sunflower oil would have been sufficient, are long gone.

Olive oil, virgin olive oil, extra. What now?

Olive oil is considered the lower the acidity, the better. This acidity is clearly defined and is in the name of the oil can be seen. "Extra virgin olive oil" is the highest quality olive oil. This olive oil with an impeccable taste per 100 grams of oil a maximum of 0.8 grams of free fatty acids. Wearing olive oil not marked "extra" (English: virgin olive oil), may be contained in 100 grams of oil up to 2 grams of free fatty acids. If the olive oil referred to simply as olive oil, the proportion of free fatty acids must not exceed 1 gram. olive oil

This is a mixture of refined and untreated (native) Olive oil containing up to 210 degrees may be heated (virgin olive oil: 180 degrees).

To quickly recognize a good olive oil

About the taste these quality criteria, though, of anything yet. Since about the variety of the olive tree plays a larger role. Or when the olives are harvested: A Olive goes from green to black over. The optimal maturity point is reached when the olive is between green and purple.

Treat olive oil a little like wine: best try for now. The rapid test: Good oil leaves in the mouth does not return a viscous, oily taste and tastes neither bitter nor sharp. Just a little scratchy throat is allowed. Basically, good olive oil should have a slightly grassy note and taste fresh.
olive oil

The words "cold pressed" is actually no longer a criterion for a particularly good olive oil: olive oils sold in Germany are cold pressed. The olive paste is not warmer than 33 degrees during the pressing process is, then it is considered cold pressed. At this temperature, do not lose any of the valuable ingredients.

How much does good olive oil?

Really good olive oil is expensive. So from about 7 euros for a bottle You must invest, you want to have good quality in the kitchen. For this you should know: An olive tree produces annually only about 70 to 90 kilos of olives. From this amount of olive growers, however, only about 5 to 10 liters of olive oil obtained.
Therefore Buying prefers fewer, best quality. Mild olive oil can be used for frying, but you should not overheat, so let reach the smoke point there. Temperatures up to 180 degrees keep olive oil, however. Fruitier oil, however, is for salads or sauces better.

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