Link building 50 tips to get more links to your website - Blog Theme Test For

Link building 50 tips to get more links to your website

Links are very important for the visibility of your website. Google sees them as votes and the more relevant they are, the higher you score in the search results. Only how you grab those valuable links? With these 50 tips of course!

Preliminary remark . In an ideal world you publish valuable content and links people spontaneously to you. In the real world works unfortunately not, and you have here your chance to lend a hand.

Point out webmasters example broken links on their site, they might want to replace your link. Or ask customers or suppliers in a friendly e-mail if they want to link to you. Do you not, let your many links and visitors are free through search engines, so invest time in collecting links.

Link building: these are the 50 ways to get more links to your site

1. Create a series of expert people and learn something in a series of articles. For example, write five articles about keeping your records. 

2. Lists always do well. Gives 10 tips or 25 tips on particular topic, for example, 25 tips for buying the perfect used car.

3. See what scores now. Tap the keywords you want to rank in Google, and study the content that ranks high. Apparently this kind of content attracts many left. Can you improve, update or expand their own product?

4. Make a very comprehensive reference on a particular topic. The more complete and relevant, the sooner people will refer to them.

5. Make an overview of valuable blogs or websites of experts. Ask them about the fact that they are on your list and if you ask nicely they might link back. You build a bond and get a nice bonus link.

6. Forget the old-fashioned PR does not. Come up with a good, newsworthy angle for a press release and send it to as many relevant parties. If you do it right, and the piece is picked up supplies back a lot left.

7. Outsource link building out. Your time is also money in link building is not after the seminal work. Do you not feel you can always outsource it.

8. Get yourself an expert in a topic that is in high demand and write pieces where people like to link to. Also make clear social media buttons, so sharing on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn is as easy as possible.

9. Watch your spelling and grammar. Post your new pieces on your website, get them over here by the spelling of your word processor. A first impression you make only once.

10. Come on trustworthy. This can reinforce a clear privacy statement, an About Me page and possibly a photo accompanied by your contact information.

11. Creditbility borrowing work too well: specify what big companies you've worked together, preferably with logos. It is about credibility and trust.

12. Write articles for other websites. In return you can often place a link. 13. Distribute your press releases via automated websites. Send always copies by name bloggers and journalists. Through Twitter, you can often easily retrieve contact information.

13. Keep an eye on which websites are placed press releases and writing contributions for those sites. They are already interested in you.

14. Substitution interesting articles with other webmasters. If you fish out of your pond, comes with new readers in touch and provide links back to.

15. Mail customers and suppliers if you have new product or a new service and ask what they think. Also ask if they want to refer to it as they are enthusiastic.

16. Are companies in the news, write an article about your web site and link to the website of the respective companies. Often websites a company in the media section, and in this they then link to you. Google Just look at your industry, and 'in the news'.

17. Do a search and set up a questionnaire. Make sure that the questions are really good, relevant and accessible as many people as possible. Claims can be processed again in an article and thus generate online publicity.

18. Add your site to homepages and relatives.

19. Add your website to business directories. Sometimes this costs money, but if the customer gives you consider it. Ask in advance or evidence of visitor numbers, because they are often exaggerated.

20. Make your own home, either on your own website. In this course, you can handle your own links.

21. Have you written a great article, ask friends and acquaintances whether they want to add him to and want to share on Facebook. LinkedIn and Twitter. That attracts new readers and potential linkers again.

22. Ask customers and clients if they want to link to you.

23. Go alliances with related companies that are not competitive. Strengthen each other and exchange the left.

24. Start an affiliate program / ​​affiliate program. Even though it does not provide much additional sales on, it will be well back links to your website.

25. Answer questions on and forums. Stop your subtly link in the response.

26. Start a Wikipedia page. Do this objective, because spamming is punished
For most blogs, you can respond with your name, email address and website address. Share your knowledge and get through the link through additional visitors. This kind of links are unfortunately almost always no-follow.

27.  Start a blog and regularly place great articles that your target audience really hurry something.

28. Link to other blogs of interest to your readers. Most bloggers notice this as you play you in the spotlight with them.

29. Sign blog on popular blog collecting pages.

30. Try to get links in a text. These are the most logical and getting the search engines most value. Often you have to pay for this (although this should not Google, but they do not come back).

31. Become a sponsor. Sponsors are often multi-media expressions thank you, and if it assists the url of your website which in turn provides free links to.

32. Want to launch a new website? Consider whether it is smarter to buy an existing website that has been linked to many. This can include using

33. Make sure you are sued It provides a lot of publicity.

34. Organize an interesting contest.

35. Make a list of useful programs, for example, bloggers or auditors. The alternative to website is a good example: here are free for commercial software alternatives.

36. Develop a software program or app template and give it away. Remember, of course, not to insert the link.

37. Provide free copies of a product away in exchange for a review with a link.

38. Create a Blogger or blog, place regular interesting articles refer to your main site.

39. Provide a clear Google Places listing, with full contact details and a link to your site. Do the same with YouTube.

40. Google your name or company name. Mention other websites to post your link without? Ask by e-mail if they want to do so.

41. Give your company profile on sites with companies like Hello from the Chamber of Commerce. Again you can again place a link.

42. Rate products and services on your website and would ask manufacturer on it. Usually they link to it on their own site.

43. Create a free white paper or e-book and sell these on to list sites in exchange for a brief description and link to your site.

44. Point out journalists on your whitepaper, case study or interesting items block. Figures and studies always do well.

45. Give you as a speaker for events. In return, you often can post a bio with a link on the event website. By saying that you will increase your expert status and provides jobs again.

46. ​​Present you with trade media and local radio and TV stations as an expert. They find it always nice to an available expert status in their address book.

47. Use broken link building and email webmasters that the URL has changed in your url😉

48. Make an impressive infographic. This can even be free.

49. Do you have a shop? Give discounts to certain target groups, such as students. They often mention this at the College or university website.

50. Provide a working RSS feed. This is standard in the case of WordPress and you can also via

Feedburner. Then enter the feed on in RSS aggregator sites.

You can also show readers how to add them to a program like Feedly or Symbaloo, and if they follow your site better. This often leads to additional shares and left.
What are your link building tips?

Here are 50 practical tips to get more links to your website, but there are probably more. Where did you get links to your site? Leave a comment and share.

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