Google launches Cardboard SDK for iOS
Google sets the Cardboard SDK now available for iOS and App makers easier to get started with virtual reality.
Cardboard SDK for iOS
Google has the SDK (Software Development Kit) opened to iOS for Cardboard. Previously, the only SDK for Android was available, but now iOS developers can easily create virtual reality apps for iPhones. To use this Fri apps, you only need to stop your iPhone into a cardboard container with built-in lenses. Cardboard is thus an inexpensive way to get started with virtual reality. The focus is mainly on 360-degree videos and trips to special locations.
It was for iOS developers already possible to create apps for Cardboard, but now it becomes a lot easier. The SDK namely takes a lot of effort out of your hands, with built-in technology to include the recording head movements, realistic sounding audio in different virtual spaces and 3D calibration. This means that we will encounter much more Cardboard apps in the future in the App Store.
Besides the opening of the Cardboard SDK for iOS, Google also today launched VR View, a way for developers to implement 360-degree photos and videos to websites and apps. This way you still need to download separate apps less likely to experience virtual reality on your iPhone.
Cardboard SDK
Google sets the Cardboard SDK via the link provided. This page is also a demo called Treasure Hunt, in which the capabilities of the SDK are displayed. Through this link, you will find a guide on how to develop the Cardboard SDK.
You're not a developer and you just want to get started with the apps for virtual reality, you can download the Google Cardboard app via the link below. The app requires 72,1MB clearance and iOS 8 or higher for installation.
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