6 Tips For A Faster Website - Blog Theme Test For blogresponce.blogspot.com

6 Tips For A Faster Website

As is already known for many years, the performance of web servers is one of the most important officially confirmed ranking factors of Google. Here, fast loading times is not just beneficial to the ranking of the website, but also to the user experience of visitors and as we all know, a lucky visitor is often just a click to be removed to a happy customer.

By following these tips you can always still so lame site, help to the "Page Speed" Jumps and incidentally make Google and above all its visitors happy a piece. If that's for nothing.

1. Hosting

Even the most slender and programmed to the hair tips optimized page will, therefore, come as a lame duck when hosted on a slow server. It is, therefore, crucial that you decide on a hosting which is your performance demands. Check So before signing up for the "starter package" decide if this really is sufficient for your purposes.

2. Minimize resources

By removing "unnecessary" characters in your text based files (JavaScript, HTML, and .CSS), precious bits and bytes can be saved, which in turn has a positive effect on the loading speed of the website. The so-called "minimize" these files are all not used characters - such as white space and comments in the code - removed and the file size thus reduced. There are several helpers that can do this for you.

3. GZIP Compression

GZIP is a server-side compression program, which is particularly powerful in text-based files and are therefore particularly well suited to your JavaScript, HTML .CSS and compress files. A very good step-by-step instructions for activating GZIP for various server versions can be found here .

Allen wishing to deal in detail with the technical approach behind GZIP, I put this video to my heart.

4. Minimize the number of redirects

If years of relaunches and other optimization measures have led to a confusing series of redirect chains on your pages, you should necessarily do some "housekeeping" and remove unnecessary redirects. Everyone has a redirect server query result, which affects the load times of your pages negative. Since only a spring cleaning helps in the .htaccess file.

5. Enable Browser Caching

Modern browsers can cache a lot of information and content of a website. This content - once stored in the so-called cache -. Must be on a return visit to the same site should not be a second time to load, which can accelerate the loading time dramatically. Therefore, the browser caching should definitely be enabled to make the slumbering speed boost our own. As the browser caching is enabled, Google explains here .

6. Optimize Images

Probably the biggest factor in terms of speed, however, is probably in most cases the pictures and their file size. Each modern page often includes a not inconsiderable number of high-resolution and comprehensive images.

This design technical delight usually leads simultaneously to Performance Super-Gau and as we have already learned makes neither Google happy, yet the visitors. However, as high-resolution and coverage images are fun and also from today's web design have become indispensable, it is more important to optimize them rigorously. It is always a trade-off between image quality and file size to be made. Chase so every little image again by the image editor of your choice (eg Photoshop) and save it optimized for web use from. If you just have a suitable image editing program at hand, help from numerous free online tools. A particularly notable copy is Kraken.io .

How to pictures best-optimized SEO technically explains my colleague Robert in this article about image SEO .


With these 6 fast actionable tips, you can get a simple manner a few extra "Page Speed" grains from a website. Do not let untapped potential lie recklessly!

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